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Career Transfer Services’ Hot Cocoa Kick-Off

Writer's picture: VisionsVisions

Students at PCCC have an exciting, beneficial place that may be new to some and familiar to others. The Career and Transfer Services are here to guide students and assist them in any inquiries regarding their future.

On February 13th, the Career and Transfer Services office at the Paterson campus formed held a kick-off event in M244, the location of the office itself. Students were able to ask them questions regarding the department, their purpose, and have a cup of hot cocoa simultaneously.

The purpose of Career and Transfer Services is to help students with decisions on their career, major, and overall, their future entirely with the advisement of career specialists. One career specialist, Amanda Jones, explained the many capabilities the office has.

“We offer many services from resume building, hold mock interviews, improve on networking and soft skills and major and career exploration,” Jones stated.

Jones also emphasized the importance of connecting with students of the college.

“We want to focus on making a connection with them. The goal of this fair is to bring awareness and show people they have resources.”

Another career specialist and the Coordinator of Career and Professional Readiness, Tom Moore, also gave his insight into the purpose of Career and Transfer Services.

“We really try to help students fulfill their abilities and interests,” Moore explained. “The sooner we can see you, the more efficient we can be.”

One student attending the fair, Maryam Alsaidi, a 20-year-old nursing major, said she stumbled upon the event by mistake. She showed appreciation to the career specialists regardless of the circumstances.

“They are all open to any questions and elaborate on whatever you are curious about.”

The Career and Transfer Services offer many opportunities for students to grow and learn about their choices toward their future. Whether it be academic, professional, or personal, the Career and Transfer Services and their specialists are prepared to assist students in solidifying a successful future.



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